Effect Of Flashes Of Light On Night Visual Acuity

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Report Number: WADC TR 52-10 Part 1
Author(s): Fry, Glenn A., Alpern, Mathew
Corporate Author(s): Ohio State University Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1953-01
Pages: 10
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB107338
Identifier: AD0013833
AD Number: 13833

Three subjects were used in an investigation to determine the ability of the eye to see a dark object against a sky background at night after exposure of the eye to a flash of light or a series of flashes. The discussion of the experimental setup and procedure includes a description of the fixation point, the visual-acuity measuring device, and the flash-exposure device. Theoretical considerations are presented regarding the advantages and limitations of the visual-acuity method of measuring dark adaptation. The investigation succeeded in demonstrating the operation of 3 basic principles which can be used in predicting the effect of a flash upon the subsequent ability of an eye. (1) The adaptation of any given part of the retina can be regarded as being independent of adaptive processes in other parts of the retina. (2) Reciprocity between time and intensity can be assumed to hold over a 3-sec interval. (3) The effect of a flash displaced from part of the retina which is used in viewing an object can be accounted for in terms of stray light. The amount of stray light falling at any given part of the retina can be computed from the Stiles-Holladay equation.

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