STOL High-Lift Design Study Volume I. State-of-the-Art Review of STOL Aerodynamic Technology
Report Number: AFFDL TR 71-26 Volume I
Author(s): May, Fred, Widdison, Coli A.
Corporate Author(s): Boeing Company
Laboratory: Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1971-04
Pages: 204
Contract: F33615-70-C-1277
DoD Project: None Given
Identifier: AD0724185
The state of the art of STOL aerodynamic technology for selected lift/propulsion concepts has been surveyed to identify the available test data and prediction methods in the literature. The report consists of two volumes. In Volume I important areas of technology and information necessary for the evaluation of STOL aircraft aerodynamics are listed; the aerodynamic test data and prediction methodology relevant to the deflected slipstream and externally blown flap concepts are assessed, with emphasis on the latter; an empirical method for the prediction of the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of externally blown flap configurations is presented; and high-lift technology for five lift/propulsion concepts is assessed in application to a medium-sized STOL transport. Volume II consists of a bibliography that resulted from a literature search for aerodynamic information related to seven lift/propulsion concepts suitable for STOL aircraft. The bibliography contains references to approximately 900 reports classified by concept and by technological area.
Provenance: Bombardier/Aero
Author(s): May, Fred, Widdison, Coli A.
Corporate Author(s): Boeing Company
Laboratory: Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1971-04
Pages: 204
Contract: F33615-70-C-1277
DoD Project: None Given
Identifier: AD0724185
The state of the art of STOL aerodynamic technology for selected lift/propulsion concepts has been surveyed to identify the available test data and prediction methods in the literature. The report consists of two volumes. In Volume I important areas of technology and information necessary for the evaluation of STOL aircraft aerodynamics are listed; the aerodynamic test data and prediction methodology relevant to the deflected slipstream and externally blown flap concepts are assessed, with emphasis on the latter; an empirical method for the prediction of the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of externally blown flap configurations is presented; and high-lift technology for five lift/propulsion concepts is assessed in application to a medium-sized STOL transport. Volume II consists of a bibliography that resulted from a literature search for aerodynamic information related to seven lift/propulsion concepts suitable for STOL aircraft. The bibliography contains references to approximately 900 reports classified by concept and by technological area.
Provenance: Bombardier/Aero