
24 items

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Investigation Of Methods For Determining Actual Flaw Size In Materials By Non-Destructive Ultrasonic Techniques
Author(s): Posakony, Gerald J., Loetz, Merle R.
Corporate Author(s): Automation Instruments, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1959-12
Report number: WADC TR 59-302
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Investigation Of Intermetallic Compound For Very High Temperature Applications
Author(s): Booker, Jonathan, Paine, Robert M., Stonehouse, A. James
Corporate Author(s): Brush Beryllium Company
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1961-04
Report number: WADD TR 60-889
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Determination of the Tribological Fundamentals of Solid Lubricated Ceramics Volume 1: Summary
Author(s): Gardos, M. N.
Corporate Author(s): Hughes Aircraft Company
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1990-11-01
Report number: WRDC-TR-90-4096 Volume 1
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The Effects of Slip Character and Crack Closure on the Growth of Small Fatigue Cracks in Titanium-aluminum Alloys
Author(s): Larsen, James M.
Corporate Author(s): Carnegie Mellon University
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1990-02
Report number: WRDC-TR-89-4094
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Dynamic Constitutive/Failure Models
Author(s): Rajendran, A. M. (Ed.), Nicholas, T. (Ed.)
Corporate Author(s): University of Dayton
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1988-12
Report number: AFWAL-TR-88-4229
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Plastic Flow and Failure Modeling Under High Strain Rate Loading
Author(s): Rajendran, A. M., Bless, S. J.
Corporate Author(s): University of Dayton
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1988-02-01
Report number: AFWAL-TR-87-4134
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Extending the Lifetime of Operational Systems Through Corrosion Tracking and Prediction
Author(s): Summitt, Robert, Fink, Fred T., Suter, Richard, Samsami, Nina
Corporate Author(s): Michigan State University
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1983-09
Report number: AFWAL-TR-83-4090
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Mechanical Property Characterization and Modeling of Structural Materials
Author(s): Ashbaugh, Noel E., Bernstein, Henry L., Majumday, Bhaskar, Ahmad, Jalees
Corporate Author(s): Systems Research Laboratories, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1982-02-01
Report number: AFWAL-TR-81-4187
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The Growth of Corner Cracks Under the Conjoint Action of High and Low Cycle Failure
Author(s): Powell, B. E., Henderson, I. , Hall, R. F.
Corporate Author(s): Portsmouth Polytechnic
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1988-02
Report number: AFWAL-TR-87-4130
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Elevated Temperature Crack Growth Studies of Advanced Titanium Aluminides
Author(s): Venkataraman, Srivathsan
Corporate Author(s): Systran Corporation
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1987-09-01
Report number: AFWAL-TR-87-4103

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