
441 items

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Nondestructive Testing Of Metal-To-Metal Structural Adhesive Bonds
Author(s): Kulp, B. A., Greenstreet, M. E., Cahn, J. H.
Corporate Author(s): Battelle Memorial Institute
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-04
Report number: WADC TR 54-88
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Metallurgical Testing Of Boron Steels
Author(s): Dotson, C. L., Kattus, J. R., O'Brien, F. R.
Corporate Author(s): Southern Research Institute
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-10
Report number: WADC TR 53-439
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Flourine Containing Elastomers
Author(s): McBee, Earl T., Robert, Carleton W.
Corporate Author(s): Purdue Research Foundation
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-12
Report number: WADC TR 52-191 Part 3
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Development Of Dye Formulations And Dyeing Procedures For Producing Sage Green Pile Fabric
Author(s): Bartovics, A.
Corporate Author(s): Tie George W. Corporation
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-05
Report number: WADC TR 53-452
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Foamed Metal Low Density Core Material For Sandwich Construction
Author(s): Bjorksten, Johan, Elliott, John C., Roth, Robert J.
Corporate Author(s): Bjorksten Research Laboratories, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-05
Report number: WADC TR 52-51 Part 3
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Development Of A Substitute Or Improvement Of Chromium Electrodeposits
Author(s): Stareck, Jesse E., Seyb, Edgar J., Jr., Tulumello, Angelo C.
Corporate Author(s): United Chromium, Incorporated
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-07
Report number: WADC TR 53-271
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A Study Of The Effect Of Temperature On Textile Materials
Author(s): Coplan, Myron J., Singer, Eric
Corporate Author(s): Fabric Research Laboratories, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-07
Report number: WADC TR 53-21 Part 2
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Corrosion Preventive Additives
Author(s): Schwoegler, E. J., Berman, L. U.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-02
Report number: WADC TR 53-16
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Investigation Of Heat Treatment Of Commercial Titanium Base Alloys
Author(s): Luini, L.
Corporate Author(s): Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-04
Report number: WADC TR 53-26
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Development Of 0.9-Oz. Nylon Parachute Cloth
Author(s): Bickford, H. J., Cheney Brothers
Corporate Author(s): Cheney Brothers
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-09
Report number: WADC TR 53-351

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