The Influence of Type of Instructions on the Performance of a Perceptual-Motor Task

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Report Number: HRRC RB 51-7
Author(s): Hagin, William V.
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Laboratory: Perceptual and Motor Skills Research Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1951-05
Pages: 29
Contract: Laboratory Research - No Contract
DoD Project: 21-09-004
Identifier: ADF760082

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the media through which set is established by instructions, upon the performance of a complex motor task. SAM Complex Coordination Test CM701E was administered with standard time limits, under three different conditions of instruction, to three groups of basic airmen. Group I, containing 236 subjects, read the instructions from a typed card and were shown a demonstration without any oral explanation. Instructions were given to Group II, composed of 194 subjects, by means of oral presentation accompanied by demonstration of the task. The Control Group, containing 261 subjects, was given the test under standard instructions, which represented somewhat less thorough oral-demonstration instructions than those given Group II. Thirteen paper-and-pencil tests of the Airman Classification Battery and five psychomotor tests from the Aircrew Classification Battery were also administered, with standard directions, to the same groups of subjects. Intercorrelations were obtained between scores on these measures and scores on the Complex Coordination Test.

Provenance: IIT

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