Investigation Of Axial Loading Fatigue Properties Of Heat-Resistant Alloy N-155

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Report Number: WADC TR 52-226 Part 1
Author(s): Lazan, B. J., De Money, F.
Corporate Author(s): University Of Minnesota
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-03
Pages: 21
Contract: AF 33(038)-18903
DoD Project: None Given
PB Number: PB116827
Identifier: AD0008137
AD Number: 8137

Dynamic creep and rupture data are presented on N-l55 at room temperature and 1000 F, correlated to some extent with prior work. Temperature increases were observed in certain temperature and stress ranges immediately after the application of alternating stress to a test specimen. These are discussed in terms of the internal damping capacity of the material and the possibility of utilizing these observed temperature increases as a qualitative indication of damping is suggested. A vibration analysis of the Minnesota direct stress fatigue machine is presented and used to correlate calibration data procured by three independant methods.

Provenance: IIT

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Indications of Public Availability
A PB Number, PB116827 , exists for this report, indicating public availability of the report at time of publication

An index contemporary to the publication of this report suggests its public availability
This report has been indexed in U.S. Government Research Reports, vol. 23, no. 5, p.174-175, 5/20/1955
According to the index, the original price was $2.25

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