Development Of Electrically Conductive Transparent Coatings For Acrylic Plastic
Report Number: WADC TR 52-48
Author(s): Bjorksten, Johan, Smith, Evelyn E., Roth, Robert J., Hamilton, Harry L.
Corporate Author(s): Bjorksten Research Laboratories, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1952-02
Pages: 71
Contract: AF 33(038)-23319
DoD Project: None Given
PB Number: PB118034
Identifier: ADA075989
In order to dissipate precipitation electrostatic charges built up on transparent plastic aircraft canopies during flight an electrically conductive transparent coating, easily applied to formed aircraft canopies made from acrylic sheet conforming to Specification MIL-P-5425, has been developed. The composite material, i.e., the acrylic and applied coating, retains essentially all the original mechanical properties, optical clarity, and light transmittance characteristics of the base material. Its surface resistance is in the range 1- 10 megohms per square and is relatively insensitive to the wide variation in relative humidity, temperature, and altitude conditions that might be expected in aircraft operation. The coated acrylic is transparent to radio frequency energy as well as light, its dielectric loss factor being only slightly higher than the acrylic alone. It has sufficient permanence to the effects of sunlight, temperature variations, crazing, rain, abrasion, wind erosion, and oil absorption associated with the normal operation and maintenance of aircraft. Three F-86 aircraft canopies, two new and one removed from service, were coated with the developed coating. The new canopies were tested in flight at Wright Air Development Center and performed satisfactorily.
Provenance: IIT
Author(s): Bjorksten, Johan, Smith, Evelyn E., Roth, Robert J., Hamilton, Harry L.
Corporate Author(s): Bjorksten Research Laboratories, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1952-02
Pages: 71
Contract: AF 33(038)-23319
DoD Project: None Given
PB Number: PB118034
Identifier: ADA075989
In order to dissipate precipitation electrostatic charges built up on transparent plastic aircraft canopies during flight an electrically conductive transparent coating, easily applied to formed aircraft canopies made from acrylic sheet conforming to Specification MIL-P-5425, has been developed. The composite material, i.e., the acrylic and applied coating, retains essentially all the original mechanical properties, optical clarity, and light transmittance characteristics of the base material. Its surface resistance is in the range 1- 10 megohms per square and is relatively insensitive to the wide variation in relative humidity, temperature, and altitude conditions that might be expected in aircraft operation. The coated acrylic is transparent to radio frequency energy as well as light, its dielectric loss factor being only slightly higher than the acrylic alone. It has sufficient permanence to the effects of sunlight, temperature variations, crazing, rain, abrasion, wind erosion, and oil absorption associated with the normal operation and maintenance of aircraft. Three F-86 aircraft canopies, two new and one removed from service, were coated with the developed coating. The new canopies were tested in flight at Wright Air Development Center and performed satisfactorily.
Provenance: IIT