Research Investigation Of Protective Coatings For Magnesium
Report Number: WADC TR 52-99
Author(s): Childers, H. D., Valles, A. G., Niles, K. B.
Corporate Author(s): Northrop Aircraft, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1952-01
Pages: 43
Contract: AF 33(038)-23273
DoD Project: None Given
Identifier: AD0002168
AD Number: 2168
Numerous proprietary and developmental organic coatings were screened for their relative corrosion protection of Mg sheet alloy. Superior primers and systems were more fully evaluated for their mechanical properties as well as corrosion protection. Finish evaluations were conducted on FS-IH Mg alloy. The coatings included vinyls and modified vinyls, alkyd and modified alkyd finishes, acrylic and modified acrylic finishes, HAE refractory coatings, and miscellaneous vehicles. The air-dry vinyl systems offered optimum protection in the systems tested. Developmental data and discussions of Mg corrosion inhibitors and galvanic-cell test methods are included.
Provenance: IIT
Author(s): Childers, H. D., Valles, A. G., Niles, K. B.
Corporate Author(s): Northrop Aircraft, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1952-01
Pages: 43
Contract: AF 33(038)-23273
DoD Project: None Given
Identifier: AD0002168
AD Number: 2168
Numerous proprietary and developmental organic coatings were screened for their relative corrosion protection of Mg sheet alloy. Superior primers and systems were more fully evaluated for their mechanical properties as well as corrosion protection. Finish evaluations were conducted on FS-IH Mg alloy. The coatings included vinyls and modified vinyls, alkyd and modified alkyd finishes, acrylic and modified acrylic finishes, HAE refractory coatings, and miscellaneous vehicles. The air-dry vinyl systems offered optimum protection in the systems tested. Developmental data and discussions of Mg corrosion inhibitors and galvanic-cell test methods are included.
Provenance: IIT