Artificial Stability and Control of Longitudinal Motion of the F-94 Aircraft. Theoretical Investigation.

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Report Number: WADC TR 52-248
Author(s): Heilenday, Frank N.
Corporate Author(s): Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.
Date of Publication: 1952-10
Pages: 53
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0007115
AD Number: 7115

Analysis indicated that the use of elevator signals proportional to alpha (angle of attack) and alpha will provide a wide range of short-period frequency and damping control. A wide range of phugoid period and damping control will be provided by the use of auxiliary-surface position signals proportional to Delta q/q and mu/q (q is the dynamic pressure is psf, and u is the forward-speed increment). Seven artificial stability derivatives will be provided on the F-94 by means of a hydraulic servo system on the elevator and stick and an electric servo motor on the auxiliary surface. An auxiliary surface of 0.43 sq ft will be installed in the nose section for phugoid control. This surface will be geared down to 2 deg/sec to avoid normal acceleration peaks resulting from forward velocity gusts with C sub-mDu (rate of change of pitching moment with non-dimensional rate of change of air speed) present.

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The NTRL Order Number for this report is: AD007115
A record for this report, and possibly a pdf download of the report, exists at NTRL

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