Control Surface Oscillatory Coefficients Measured On Low Aspect-Ratio Wings

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Report Number: WADC TR 53-64
Author(s): Beals, V., Targoff, W. P.
Corporate Author(s): Cornell Aeronautical Lab Inc Buffalo NY
Date of Publication: 1953-04
Pages: 73
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0026027

Wind tunnel tests were conducted on low aspect ratio wings in order to: (1.) Measure the oscillatory aerodynamic lift forces, pitching moments, and hinge moments acting on rectangular wings of aspect ratio 1 and 2, due to the harmonic vibration of flap or tab; (2.) Measure similar data due to static deflection of flap or tab; (3.) Measure wing pitching moment and flap hinge moment of the finite wings under zero lift conditions; and (4.) Compare these measured data with existing low aspect ratio theory.

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Via National Technical Report Library:
The NTRL Order Number for this report is: AD026027
A record for this report, and possibly a pdf download of the report, exists at NTRL

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