New Standard Atmosphere: The WADC 1952 Model Atmosphere

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Report Number: WADC TR 54-215
Author(s): Williams, D. T., Nash, W. F., Bell, J. C.
Corporate Author(s): Aircraft Laboratory
Laboratory: Aircraft Laboratory
Corporate Report Number: Aircraft Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-03
Pages: 54
Contract: AF 33(616)-82
DoD Project: None Given
PB Number: PB111585
Identifier: AD0048908

A new standard atmosphere, the WADC 1952 Model Atmosphere, has been developed under the sponsorship of the Aircraft Laboratory of the Wright Air Development Center. The new atmosphere is designed to be self-consistent, and is in essential agreement with the new ICAO standard atmosphere; however, this newer atmosphere extends higher, up to 140,000 feet of altitude. Close coordination with recognized authorities in the field has been carried out in the hope that the atmosphere may receive general acceptance. Properties of the atmosphere above 82,000 feet are proposed for use pending designation of an official standard by the Committee on the Standard Atmosphere convened by the Air Force Cabridge Research Center.Formulas for airspeed as a function of altitude and dynamic pressure, or the equivalent, are set up in standard form in this report. These formulas are the basis for an exclusive set of airspeed tables which have been computed for WADC but are not included in this report.

Provenance: AFRL/VACA

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A PB Number, PB111585 , exists for this report, indicating public availability of the report at time of publication

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This report has been indexed in U.S. Government Research Reports, vol. 23, no. 3, p.91, 3/18/1955
According to the index, the original price was $1.50

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