Chromatography Determination Of Gum In Fuels
Report Number: WADC TR 54-328 Part 2
Author(s): Knight, H. S., Nixon, A. C., Groennings, S., Skei, T.
Corporate Author(s): Shell Development Company
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-03
Pages: 20
Contract: AF 18(600)-37
DoD Project: 3048
DoD Task: 73300
PB Number: PB111861
Identifier: AD0075819
The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Provenance: IIT
Author(s): Knight, H. S., Nixon, A. C., Groennings, S., Skei, T.
Corporate Author(s): Shell Development Company
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-03
Pages: 20
Contract: AF 18(600)-37
DoD Project: 3048
DoD Task: 73300
PB Number: PB111861
Identifier: AD0075819
The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Provenance: IIT