Synthesis Of Monomeric Materials
Report Number: WADC TR 54-264
Author(s): Halpern, B. David, Laskin, Leonard, Levine, Philip, Zomlefer, Jack, Karo, Wolf
Corporate Author(s): Monomer-Polymer, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-12
Pages: 122
Contract: AF 33(616)-252
DoD Project: 7340
DoD Task: 73404
Identifier: AD0062111
The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Provenance: IIT
Author(s): Halpern, B. David, Laskin, Leonard, Levine, Philip, Zomlefer, Jack, Karo, Wolf
Corporate Author(s): Monomer-Polymer, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-12
Pages: 122
Contract: AF 33(616)-252
DoD Project: 7340
DoD Task: 73404
Identifier: AD0062111
The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Provenance: IIT