Evaluation Of Organic Fluorine Compounds For Use In Military Aircraft

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Report Number: WADC TR 54-580
Author(s): Rosenberg, Harold, Mosteller, J. C.
Corporate Author(s): Materials Laboratory
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-04
Pages: 22
Contract: Laboratory Research - No Contract
DoD Project: 7340
DoD Task: 73404
PB Number: PB111983
Identifier: AD0081163

The evaluation of fluorine compounds for use in military aircraft is one phase of a general Air Force program which has been established for the purpose of obtaining materials of unusual properties and capable of advancing the design of new high-speed aircraft and guided missiles. The desirable properties of fluorine-containing organic compounds include wide liquid range, unusual chemical stability, good electrical conduction, desirable heat transfer characteristics and decreased flammability. Fluorine compounds have, accordingly, been studied for use as fire extinguishing agents, acid resistant coatings and greases, non flammable hydraulic fluids, elastomers, electronic equipment and fungicides. For extinguishing aircraft fires, particularly those involving rocket-propellant mixtures, dibromodifluoromethane and bromotrifluoromethane have been shown to be quite effective. Polymers of monochlorotrifluoroethylene and tetrafluoroethylene have been employed successfully as seals, gaskets and in lubricants in aircraft reaction motors and nitric acid-refueling trailers. Various fluorocarbons1 especially chlorofluoroheptenes1 havo been evaluated as snuffer" and antiwear additives for hydraulic fluids. Amongst the "fluoroelastomeric" materials, the poly-l,l-dihydroperfluoro alkyl acrylates have shown the most promise from the standpoint of solvent resistance and low-temperature flexibility. Polyfluoroethylene derivatives have found use in electronic components of military aircraft. Recently, fluorodinitrobenzenes have been shown to be effective agents for protecting fabrics against fungi attack.

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Indications of Public Availability
A PB Number, PB111983 , exists for this report, indicating public availability of the report at time of publication

An index contemporary to the publication of this report suggests its public availability
This report has been indexed in U.S. Government Research Reports, vol. 25, no. 4, p.146, 4/13/1956
According to the index, the original price was $0.75

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