A Statistical Evaluation of Joint Range Data

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Report Number: WADC TN 57-311
Author(s): Barter, James T., Truett, Bruce, Emanuel, Irvin
Corporate Author(s): Aero Medical Laboratory
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1957-08
Pages: 29
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0131028

This study reanalyzes the data concerning the range of motion of human body joints published in WADC TR 55-169, Space Requirements of the Seated Operator, by W. T. Dempster. The reanalysis is intended to present the information in a form more applicable to Air Force design problems. An analysis of variance of 43 joint movements for four subgroups originally selected on the basis of physique revealed that 12 body movements (28%) were related to physique. The subgroup statistics were combined to yield summary statistics for the total sample of 39 young men. Design ranges were derived from these total group values. Descriptions and illustrations of joint movements are included.

Provenance: Hunt Library, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

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