Development Of An Emergency Pressurization System For An Escape Capsule
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Report Number: WADC TR 58-397
Author(s): Replogle, A. E., Miller, A. E.
Corporate Author(s): Scott Aviation Corporation
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1959-05
Pages: 41
Contract: AF 33(616)-5005
DoD Project: 6352
DoD Task: 63105
PB Number: PB161029
Identifier: AD0216307
The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Provenance: IIT
Author(s): Replogle, A. E., Miller, A. E.
Corporate Author(s): Scott Aviation Corporation
Laboratory: Aero Medical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1959-05
Pages: 41
Contract: AF 33(616)-5005
DoD Project: 6352
DoD Task: 63105
PB Number: PB161029
Identifier: AD0216307
The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Provenance: IIT