Research And Development On Advanced Graphite Materials. Supplement To Volume XI - Characterization Of Binders Used In The Fabrication Of Graphite Bodies
Report Number: WADD TR 61-72 Volume 11 Supplement 1
Author(s): de Ruiter, E., V. Sandor, Tschamler, H., Oth, J. F. M.
Corporate Author(s): Union Carbide European Research Associates
Laboratory: AF Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-05
Pages: 42
Contract: AF 33(616)-6915
DoD Project: 7350
DoD Task: 735002
Identifier: AD0601832
A typical coal tar pitch was separated into fractions which were analyzed and characterized by selected physical and chemical methods. The results indicated the presence of molecules consisting of from one to several aromatic clusters, each having a mean cluster size near four aromatic rings. Information was obtained on aromaticity, hydrogen distribution and substitution index. A study was made of the effect of temperature and different atmospheres on the plasticity of the various fractions of the pitch sample.
Provenance: Bearcat
Author(s): de Ruiter, E., V. Sandor, Tschamler, H., Oth, J. F. M.
Corporate Author(s): Union Carbide European Research Associates
Laboratory: AF Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-05
Pages: 42
Contract: AF 33(616)-6915
DoD Project: 7350
DoD Task: 735002
Identifier: AD0601832
A typical coal tar pitch was separated into fractions which were analyzed and characterized by selected physical and chemical methods. The results indicated the presence of molecules consisting of from one to several aromatic clusters, each having a mean cluster size near four aromatic rings. Information was obtained on aromaticity, hydrogen distribution and substitution index. A study was made of the effect of temperature and different atmospheres on the plasticity of the various fractions of the pitch sample.
Provenance: Bearcat