An Example of Chromospheric Striation Obscuration by a Great Flare

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Report Number: AFCRL 834
Author(s): Smith, Henry J., Booton, William D.
Corporate Author(s): Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
Date of Publication: 1961-08
Pages: 12
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0269222

Certain great solar flares produce a temporary obscuration or disruption of the neighboring chromospheric striation patterns. These patterns are basically hydrodynamic phenomena, but are closely linked to the local magnetic field. Hence their behaviour is important to an understanding of the physical processes in flares. Seventeen great flares on Sacramento Peak films were examined for this effect. One outstanding example was found on 6 May 1960; this case is described in detail. Evidence clearly shows that the effect results from local obscuration by flare surge material in the co ona; it is not necessary to invoke any catastrophic change in the magnetic field.

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