Inorganic Films for Solar Energy Absorption. Part I.

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Report Number: ASD TDR 62-92 Part 1
Author(s): Langley, Robert C.
Corporate Author(s): Engelhard Industries Inc East Newark NJ
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1962-06
Pages: 39
Contract: AF 33(616)-7849
DoD Project: 7340
DoD Task: 734007
Identifier: AD0282008

This research was limited to an evaluation of the optical properties of thin films on glass. These films were obtained by the application of metallo-organic solutions of the metals, followed by thermal decomposition of the organics in air.More than 1000 samples were made. Of these about 329 were measured for percent reflection , percent transmission, or both. It was found that a thin film containing gold, bismuth, barium, silicon, rhodium and chromium has optical properties which meet the minimum goal of this project, namely, absorption of solar energy of wavelengths below 1.5 microns and reflection of wavelengths above 1.5 microns. This system was extensively reformulated without great optical improvement.While the research demonstrated that the desired optical properties can be obtained by a single application of the proper solution of gold and other metals, it is noteworthy that the best optical film found was a relatively impure gold film. In this film, minor changes in bismuth, barium, silicon or chromium content had pronounced optical effects.In the six component system found to be the best optically, it was demonstrated that additions of barium or silicon in small amounts or of platinum or palladium in substantial amounts decrease reflection. It was also found that very small chromium additions increase reflection.

Provenance: Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control

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