A Two-Color Pyrometer for the Measurement of Temperature and Contamination Level in a Spark-Heated Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel

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Report Number: AEDC TDR 62-174
Author(s): Vali, Walter, de Voto, R. Stephen
Corporate Author(s): Stanford University
Laboratory: Arnold Engineering Development Center
Date of Publication: 1962-08
Pages: 32
Contract: AF 40(600)-930
DoD Project: 8952
DoD Task: 895210
Identifier: AD0282928

A description is given of exploratory measurements, by means of a two-color pyrometers, of the temperature and concentration of solid contaminants near the throat of a spark-heated hypervelocity wind tunnel. Because of its rapid response, the method is capable of providing a time-resolved history of the contamination during a run. Although some initial success can be reported, additional work remains to be done before the method can be made reliably quantitative and before the temperature of the flowing gas can be related to that of the contaminants.

Provenance: IIT

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