The Functional Design of a Special-purpose Digital Computer for Real-time Flight Simulation

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Report Number: MRL TDR 62-39
Author(s): Krasny, Louis M.
Corporate Author(s): Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory: Behavioral Sciences Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-04
Pages: 124
Contract: AF 33(616)-8363
DoD Project: 6114
DoD Task: 611411
Identifier: AD0283099

To determine the ability of a moderate-sized digital computer, such as the M. I. T. TX-O, to solve a complex real-time flight simulation problem, the complete equations for the unrestricted simulation of the F-100A aircraft have been programmed using the TX-O order code. From an analysis of this program, specific recommendations are made for logical modifications of the TX-O to facilitate real-time simulation. With nine additional orders, including a 25 micro sec. addressable multiply, a 40 micro sec. divide, and a special level-sense order to facillitate nonlinear function generation, the TX-O would solve the full F-100A equations at 23 solutions per second. The areas of function generation, order code specification, usage of subroutines, integration, word length requirement, input and output procedures, decision-making, and high-speed, multiplication are investigated in detail with quantitative comparisions between different methods wherever possible. Although the emphasis of this study has been on the specific requirements of the F-100A problem, the deisgn methodology and the various design trade-offs described should be applicable to the functional analysis of other simulation problems of greater or lesser complexity.

Provenance: RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine

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