Cytochemical Studies of Fungi which Contaminate Aircraft Fuels and Deteriorate Materials

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Report Number: AMRL TDR 62-132
Author(s): Farr, Wanda K.
Corporate Author(s): Farr Cytochemical Laboratories
Laboratory: Biomedical Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1962-11
Pages: 83
Contract: AF 33(616)-7891
DoD Project: 3048
DoD Task: 304801
Identifier: AD0293226

Cytochemical analyses of the fungus, Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275, have revealed the presence of chitin in the longitudinal and cross walls of the hyphae, chitin in the primary lamellae, and both chitin and cellulose in the secondary lamellae of the walls of conidiophores, vesicles, and conidia. Similar analysies have shown the presence of chitin alone in the walls of the corresponding cells of the fungus, Myrothecium verrucaria ATCC 9095. Adaptations of standard cytochemical procedures to the identification of cell wall materials in the bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 13388, have indicated the probable presence of chitin in the primary, and cellulose in the secondary, w3all lamellae. Attepts to identify cell wall materials in the bacterium, Escherichia coli K12 10798, have shown definite differences in the make-up of the primary and secondary wall lamellae and the possible presence of cellulose in the secondary deposits. These four organisms are among those which contaminate aviation fuels. Information concerning the nature and location of the resistant substances which make up their cell walls can be used in developing methods of treatment which lead to their control.

Provenance: RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine

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