Advanced Selective Monitoring Systems

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Report Number: AMRL TR 64-97
Author(s): Babich, A., Morton, G.
Corporate Author(s): Airborne Instruments Laboratory
Laboratory: Biophysics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-11
Pages: 56
Contract: AF 33(657)-10462
DoD Project: 7222
DoD Task: 722203
Identifier: AD0610255

In order to reduce the amount of data obtained in multiple-input data acquisition systems--subsequently reducing power and size requirements in space vehicles, or reducing processing time in a computer analysis--a Selective Monitoring System was built and tested. The present system is an extension of a laboratory model which was used as criteria for signal selection signal changes from a steady state and signal excursions beyond predetermined limits. That system (laboratory model) was expanded to include originating (encoding) and terminal (decoding) equipment for a PCM data-transmission channel. The encoding and decoding equipment used the selective-monitoring characteristics of the laboratory model to obtain a data transmission rate lower than that required in an ordinary multiple input data acquisition system. Signals selected by the encoder unit were reconstructed in the decoder unit. A rate analog processor, compatible with the Selective Monitoring System, and suitable for use as a cardiotachometer, was built and tested. Performance requirements in an operational system are described. The reduction in size and power consumption obtainable with microminiaturization is analyzed.

Provenance: RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine

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