Filmstrip Techniques for Individualized Instruction

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Report Number: AMRL TR 65-78
Author(s): Trow, William H., Smith, Edgar A.
Corporate Author(s): Graflex, Inc.; Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories
Laboratory: Behavioral Sciences Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1965-05
Pages: 22
Contract: AF 33(657)-11339
DoD Project: 1710
DoD Task: 171007
Identifier: AD0617607

In the preparation of filmed programed instruction, several considerations are involved in the choice between slides and filmstrips. In this report, the considerations of revision, quantity, length, storage, recycling, aspect ratio, change time, random access and continuous repetition are briefly discussed. A comparison of costs of preparing a master of the filmed program and duplicate copies is made. As a guide to the preparation of filmstrips by staff photographers, some of the problems involved are discussed, namely, single-frame cameras, the preparation of flat copy, exposure and splicing. Other film formats with possible application in audio-visual programing are described.

Provenance: RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine

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