Personal Telemetry Transmitter System

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Report Number: AMRL TR 65-87
Author(s): Almond, James A.
Corporate Author(s): Repco Incorporated
Laboratory: Biophysics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1965-06
Pages: 30
Contract: AF 33(615)-1194
DoD Project: 7222
Identifier: AD0622420

The research and development described in this report resulted in the redesign and miniaturization of a Personal Telemetry Transmitter System originally developed by AMRL. The Personal Telemetry Transmitter System transmits seven channels of physiological data on the commercial FM band to a receiver located up to 200 feet away. The seven channels transmitted by pulse duration modulation are electroencephalogram, two leads of electrocardiogram, galvanic skin resistance (base resistance and specific response), respiration, and body temperature. Extremely compact packaging combined with miniature components resulted in a package size of 4.28 by 2.19 by .81 inches for a total volume of 7.6 cubic inches including the battery.

Provenance: RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine

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