Feasibility Investigation of Viscous Solvent Removal of Trace Contaminants

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Report Number: AMRL TR 65-100
Author(s): Nevens, Thomas D., Krimmel, John A., Jordan, David R.
Corporate Author(s): Denver Research Institute
Laboratory: Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories
Date of Publication: 1965-08
Pages: 48
Contract: AF 33(615)-1463
DoD Project: 6373
DoD Task: 637302
Identifier: AD0622435

Twenty-three compounds were studied as potential solvents for the removal of trace contaminants from the atmosphere of a space capsule. The contaminants to be removed included a wide variety of chemical types such as aliphatic (both saturated and unsaturated), alicyclic, and aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, Freons, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, ketones, acetates, ethers, and other miscellaneous compounds. In an effort to dissolve as many of the contaminants as possible, solvents which contained a number of different chemical structures were synthesized. Most of the solvents were esters derived from the reaction of a polyhydric alcohol such as pentaerythritol, trimethylolpropane, or isorbide with a mixture of organic acids. Esters of sebacic and isosebacic acids also were considered. The solubilities of representative contaminants in each of the solvents were determined. Calculations based on these data showed that the best solvent was much less efficient than charcoal for the removal of the contaminants.

Provenance: RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine

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