Multiple-Band Surface Treatments for High Damping

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Report Number: AFML TR 65-269
Author(s): Lazan, B. J., Metherell, A. F., Sokol, G.
Corporate Author(s): University of Minnesota
Laboratory: Air Force Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1965-09
Pages: 45
Contract: AF 33(615)-1055
DoD Project: 7351
DoD Task: 735106 - Behavior of Metals
Identifier: AD0474549

Conventional damping tapes, consisting of one or more adhesive layers constrained by relatively rigid bands, do not have sufficient damping for many applications. Considerable improvement can be realized in a multiple- band configuration in which alternate bands are rigidly anchored on opposite sides of the configuration. The energy dissipation in such a configuration is analyzed considering both short (rigid) bands and long (elastic) bands. General relations are derived between the configuration properties in terms of the equivalent elastic modulus and the effective loss modulus and a parameter which includes the material properties and the configuration geometry. Test configurations were made and tested. Experimental results are in excellent agreement with the theory. Both the theory and experimental results indicate that this new configuration is capable of dissipating very large damping energy, significantly higher than conventional surface treatments.

Provenance: Bombardier/Aero

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