Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Signatures

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Report Number: RADC TR 71-114
Corporate Author(s): Ohio State University
Laboratory: Rome Air Development Center
Date of Publication: 1971-06
Pages: 101
Contract: F30602-69-C-0231
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0726640

An experimental and analytical study of a particular time-domain signature for radar space object identification is described. Measured data presented for several simple metallic shapes which demonstrate the direct relationships between the physical properties of a radar target and its time- domain signature are presented. Valid time-domain signature waveforms obtained by combining three-frequency low resonance scattering data and short pulse radar data are also presented. Finally, a new, approximate technique for producing a three dimensional target image from time-domain signature data at three look angles is described and illustrated with computer-drawn isometric views of simple shapes.

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