A Description of a Forced-Oscillation Test Mechanism for Measuring Dynamic-Stability Derivatives in Roll

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Report Number: AEDC TR 73-49
Author(s): Burt, G. E.
Corporate Author(s): ARO, Inc.
Laboratory: Von Karman Gas Dynamics Facility
Date of Publication: 1973-06
Pages: 23
Contract: None Given
DoD Project: None Given
Identifier: AD0762258

A description is given of a forced-oscillation, dynamic-stability test mechanism for measuring the moments and forces due to roll velocity on lifting configurations. The mechanism can support models with a combined loading of up to 1200 pounds of normal force and 300 pounds of axial force and is water-cooled to permit testing in hypersonic tunnels. Bench tests were conducted using a magnetic calibrator, which indicated that the mechanism could precisely measure the rolling moment, yawing moment, and side force due to roll velocity. Wind tunnel tests were conducted on an AGARD Model B at Mach numbers of 2, 3, and 4 and at angles of attack from -4 to 11 deg to verify the design.

Provenance: AFRL/VACA

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