A Relationship Between Theory and Experiment for A State Variable Constitutive Equation
Report Number: AFWAL TR 80-4194
Author(s): Stouffer, D. C., Bodner, S. R.
Corporate Author(s): University of Cincinnati; Technion-Israel
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1981-01
Pages: 28
Contract: F33615-78-C-5199
DoD Project: 2307
DoD Task: 2307P1
Identifier: ADA098652
A state variable constitutive equation that can be solved for the state variables, can then be used to calculate the state variable histories from the stress and strain histories observed during an experiment. This was done using the Bodner Partom flow equation for cast and wrought Rene 95 at 650 C. The evolution equation was determined for a state variable that characterizes the resistance to plastic flow and some properties of a damage state variable were established. Analysis of the tensile and creep data strongly suggested that two different mechnisms were active during deformation. A limited number of experimental results were compared to the response calculated from the flow and evolution equations.
Provenance: IIT
Author(s): Stouffer, D. C., Bodner, S. R.
Corporate Author(s): University of Cincinnati; Technion-Israel
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1981-01
Pages: 28
Contract: F33615-78-C-5199
DoD Project: 2307
DoD Task: 2307P1
Identifier: ADA098652
A state variable constitutive equation that can be solved for the state variables, can then be used to calculate the state variable histories from the stress and strain histories observed during an experiment. This was done using the Bodner Partom flow equation for cast and wrought Rene 95 at 650 C. The evolution equation was determined for a state variable that characterizes the resistance to plastic flow and some properties of a damage state variable were established. Analysis of the tensile and creep data strongly suggested that two different mechnisms were active during deformation. A limited number of experimental results were compared to the response calculated from the flow and evolution equations.
Provenance: IIT