Tactical Visibility Meter

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Report Number: AFGL TR 83-0256
Author(s): Moroz, Eugene Y., Jacobs, Leo P.
Corporate Author(s): Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1983-10-24
Pages: 55
DoD Task:
Identifier: ADA141286

Accurate and timely visibility information is required by the Air Weather Service in support of Air Force tactical bare-base operations. The Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AGGL) undertook a program to develop a tactical visibility meter (TVM) to satisfy this requirement. A prototype meter was designed and fabricated by Wright & Wright, Inc., Oak Bluffs, Mass. The meter measures the atmospheric scattering coefficient in the forward direction. Visibility is inferred from the measurement. The operation of the prototype meter was successfully demonstrated by AFGL in tests conducted at its Weather Test Facility, Otis AFB, Mass. In the next phase of the development, Wright & Wright, Inc., was tasked to design and fabricate a cost-effective preproduction version of the TVM. This report describes the current development, test, and evaluation of the TVM.

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