Evaluation of the Variable Reluctance Transducer/Carrier Amplifier Method of Measureing Low Pneumatic Pressures in Aerodynamic and Propulsion Testing

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Report Number: AFWAL TR 82-2100
Author(s): McCormick, D. L.
Corporate Author(s): Aero Propulsion Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1983-02-01
Pages: 205
DoD Task:
Identifier: ADA130695

A complete evaluation is presented of the Variable Reluctance Transducer/Carrier Amplifier combination as a possible solution to many low-pressure measurement problems in experimental aerodynamics and turbine engine testing. Characteristic steady-state precision and accuracy of the method are bracketed. The quantitative evaluation is based mainly on empirical data, and theory is only used to show the simplicity of the principles of transduction and analog signal processing involved. Effects of elective and sometimes arbitrary choices on the part of equipment designers upon system performance, reliability, and operational effectiveness are discussed.

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