An Investigation of Wing Lift Augmentation with Spanwise Tip Blowing

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Report Number: AFWAL TR 86-3112
Author(s): Mendenhall, Michael R., Lesieutre, Daniel J., Childs, Robert E., Caruso, Steven C.
Corporate Author(s): Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1987-04-22
Pages: 254
Contract: F33615-83-C-3033
DoD Project: 501
DoD Task: 50130
Identifier: ADA192720

Experimental and analytical investigations or lift augmentation on fighter type wings with wing tip blowing are described. Results of a small-scale wind tunnel test program in the NEAR, Inc. facility are presented for three wings with a wide range of tip nozzle configurations. Effects of nozzle geometry and blowing rate are described, and optimum tip nozzles are selected for further examination in a large-scale test. Results from a large scale test program in the 7- by 10-foot wind tunnel at the NASA/Ames Research Center are presented for a typical fighter wing with tip blowing. Effects of tip nozzle geometry and blowing rate on lift and drag augmentation, measured pressure distributions, and flow field surveys are discussed. Keywords: Lift augmentation, Numerical analysis, Wing tip blowing.

Provenance: AFRL/VACA

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