Modification of Lubricant Traction Measuring Device

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Report Number: AFWAL TR 86-4031
Author(s): Sharma, Shashi K.
Corporate Author(s): Universal Energy System, Inc.
Date of Publication: 1987-01-01
Pages: 39
DoD Task:
Identifier: ADA183289

Lubricant Traction Measuring Device (Traction Rig) was designed and manufactured by Shaker Research Corporation. In the original design, the operation of the traction rig was primarily manual with provisions for automatic data logging but without anticipating and traction rig operation was completely automated and computerized. Mechanical difficulties were also encountered during operation of the traction rig. The purpose of this document is to record the mechanical problems faced in operation of the traction rig from October 1983 to April 1984 and the modification carried out to solve them. Calibration of disc load versus the applied load is also reported.

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