Effect of a Disperse Phase on the Ductile Brittle Transition of Body Centered Cubic Metals

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Report Number: ARL 62-301
Author(s): Evans, P. R. V.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Corporate Report Number: ARF-2975-6
Pages: 34
Contract: AF 33(616)-6506
DoD Project: 7024(802)
DoD Task:
AD Number: AD-275 118

The tensile properties of electron-beam melted columbium and a series of columbium-nitrogen alloys containing up to 0.036w/o nitrogen have been examined at room temperature over a range of grain sizes.  The variation of lower yield stress σLY with grain-size d has been used to determine the values of σ0 + kd-1/2. Whereas k was not influenced by nitrogen content and was, with one exception, immeasurably small, σ0 was particularly sensitive to nitrogen content. Some dispersion-hardened structures (Cb2N as dispersed phase) were studied and, employing the Petch equation, a quantitative measure of the contribution of the dispersion to yield strength was made. A measure of the Peierls-Nabarro force for the columbium lattice at room temperature was obtained.

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