Pressure Effects in Luminescence
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Report Number: AFOSR-TR-60-128
Author(s): Reiffel, L.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1960-09-16
Pages: 28
Contract: AF 49(638)113
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB152731
Identifier: AD0245196
AD Number: AD 245196
This report presents abstracts of work done under contract AF 49(638)113. Various aspects of the general topic, pressure effects in luminescence, have been investigated, including isobaric experiments on NaI(Tl), configuration coordinate models of KCL(T1), and luminescence of activated alkali halides.
Author(s): Reiffel, L.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1960-09-16
Pages: 28
Contract: AF 49(638)113
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB152731
Identifier: AD0245196
AD Number: AD 245196
This report presents abstracts of work done under contract AF 49(638)113. Various aspects of the general topic, pressure effects in luminescence, have been investigated, including isobaric experiments on NaI(Tl), configuration coordinate models of KCL(T1), and luminescence of activated alkali halides.