Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II: Performance Specification for Type II Freight Car Trucks

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Report Number: FRA/ORD-81/36-I
Author(s): RamaChandran, P. A., El Madany, M. M.
Corporate Author(s): Wyle Laboratories
Corporate Report Number: Wyle Report No. 81-28
Date of Publication: 1981-08
Pages: 118
Contract: DOT-FR-742-4277
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB82118647
Identifier: PB82118647

One of the important goals of the Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II is to provide the railroad industry with a basis for performance specifications for the new generation (Type II) freight car trucks. This report sets forth such a quantitative basis as supported by available field test data. The quantified performance characterizations and recommended guideline specifications are provided in four distinct regimes of performance including lateral stability, trackability, steady-state curve negotiation, and ride quality.

Provenance: S. Kumar

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