Noise Investigation of a Railroad Diesel Engine

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Author(s): Srivastava, Narayan S., Kumar, Sudhir
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Institute of Technology Department of Mechanics and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Corporate Report Number: IIT-TRANS-74-1
Date of Publication: 1974-05
Pages: 200
Contract: DOT-OS-40103
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB232626
Identifier: PB232626

This study presents an investigation of noise generated by the vibration of structural components of a railroad diesel engine of the GM 645 E Series. A method of correlating the vibrations of certain high vibration components of any machinery with its total noise field has been developed. This method can be applied to a close semi-reverberant field in the presence of multiple noise sources of similar character. Furthermore, percentage contribution to the total noise from the individual structural components can be determined. On third octave band analysis of the effective engine noise and measured vibrations of the engine components have been performed. These vibration and noise signals have been cross-correlated. It is found that the percentage contribution to the total noise is: top-deck cover-30%; airbox hand hole cover - 20% and the main engine structure (including only partial contribution from the oil pan) - 17%. Most of the structural noise is radiated in the frequency range of 160 cps to 8000 cps. The vibration frequency range of the top deck covers is dominant from 350 to 1,500 cps and those of the hand hole covers is from 1,200 to 5,000 cps. The natural and forced vibration frequencies of the two components have also been identified.

Provenance: S. Kumar

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