A Simple Method for Evaluating Blast Effects on Buildings
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Halpern, F. R.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1952-07
Pages: 56
Contract: AF 33(038)9761
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB162682
This report presents a simple method which can be used in the evaluation and design of buildings in terms of their resistance to horizontally applied blast forces, such as those cause by an atomic bomb. A knowledge of advanced mathematics, dynamics, or fluid flow is not necessary for the use of this method and only techniques familiar to structural engineers are employed. The limitations and accuracies of these procedures are discussed and a numerical example is given. The background and explanations of the methods employed are given in two appendices relating to methods for determining blast loadings and to solutions of the equations of motion, respectively.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1952-07
Pages: 56
Contract: AF 33(038)9761
DoD Task:
PB Number: PB162682
This report presents a simple method which can be used in the evaluation and design of buildings in terms of their resistance to horizontally applied blast forces, such as those cause by an atomic bomb. A knowledge of advanced mathematics, dynamics, or fluid flow is not necessary for the use of this method and only techniques familiar to structural engineers are employed. The limitations and accuracies of these procedures are discussed and a numerical example is given. The background and explanations of the methods employed are given in two appendices relating to methods for determining blast loadings and to solutions of the equations of motion, respectively.