Development of Bonding Methods and Materials for Resistance Strain Gages
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Report Number: NAVAIRMATCEN-ASL-1050 Part III
Author(s): Rechter, H. L.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-11
Pages: 22
Contract: N156S-32317
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0280642
AD Number: AD-280 642
As a phase in the program of development of high temperature strain gages, the work performed in formulating cements is reported. The major effort of this project has been to develop a cement useful to temperatures of 1600° F and higher, having adequate electrical and load-bearing properties.
Author(s): Rechter, H. L.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-11
Pages: 22
Contract: N156S-32317
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0280642
AD Number: AD-280 642
As a phase in the program of development of high temperature strain gages, the work performed in formulating cements is reported. The major effort of this project has been to develop a cement useful to temperatures of 1600° F and higher, having adequate electrical and load-bearing properties.