An Investigation of the Material Parameters Influencing Creep and Fatigue Life of Filament Wound Laminates

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Author(s): Dally, J. W., Nelson, H. R.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1962-05
Pages: 38
Contract: NObs-86461
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0275260
AD Number: Ad-275 260

The objective of the program is to study the behavior of glass reinforced filament wound plastics when subjected to compressive states of stress. Specifically, the program consists of two phases, the first of which covers the creep and fatigue behavior of the material under uniaxial compressive stress. The second phase pertains to the creep and fatigues behavior of filament wound cylinders in biaxial compression. After first establishing the general characteristics of the creep and fatigue effects in composite materials under compressive state of stress, the investigation will be redirected toward a study of the material parameters which influence their physical properties. The ultimate goal of the program will entail the development of a composite reinforced laminate which will exhibit a compressive strength of 150,000 psi, a compressive modulus of 10 x 106, and a density of 0.08 lbs/in3. This material must exhibit a high endurance limit and a low creep rate when subjected to stresses produced by hydrostatic pressures comparable to those encountered with deep diving vehicles.

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