Promising High Energy Solid Propellant Approaches

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Report Number: AFOSR 69-2951TR p. 144-145
Author(s): Miller, Richard C.
Corporate Author(s): Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1969-12
DoD Task:
Identifier: This paper is part of a conference proceedings. See AD0703442

A general review of the predicted performance of propellants utilizing the remaining practical ingredients, indicates that several combinations offer important cost and performance advantages over state-of-the-art propellants. The historical problems of discarded ingredients are compared with problems associated with ingredients of current interest. One cannot yet unequivicably state that present approaches are, or are not, practical. To gain the ability to distinguish the practical from the impractical, either a long investigation is required, or new technology must be developed. Technology of particular interest to solid propulsion, that needs improvement, relates to polymer cross-linking (cure) or to chemical and physical insights into propellant aging (shelf life).

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