Blast Loading Of Closures For Use On Shelters

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Report Number: CONF-8305107, p. 7-13
Author(s): Coulter, George A.
Corporate Author(s): U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground
Laboratory: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1983-07
Pages: 7
DoD Task:
Identifier: This paper is part of a conference proceedings. See ADA132780

The work reported here is a part of a study funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under Work Unit 1123C to upgrade existing shelters in key worker and host areas. The objective of this portion of the study is to determine closures suitable for shelters in these two areas. Ultimate failure of closures (breakout) was determined by dynamic loading tests per formed at the BRL 2.44 m blast simulator. Test results are given for three types of closures. Load ratios of ultimate failure to allowable static design loads were found dynamically to be about four for the wood beam/plywood skin closures. This would make it acceptable for both host and key worker shelter areas.

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