Development Of Standard Fire Test Rating Systems For Shelter Components

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Author(s): Labes, Willis G., Waterman, Thomas E., Varley, Reed B.
Corporate Author(s): IIT Research Institute
Laboratory: U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1966-12
Pages: 143
Contract: OCD-PS-64-50
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0650323

In this study fire tests for the purpose of rating structural components of blast shelters and fallout shelters are considered. Existing fire test procedures for building construction and materials, door assemblies, and window assemblies are analyzed to determine how results from these tests may be applied toward the development of a system for rating shelter components. Shelter component performance requirements in regard to heat transmission, smoke and toxic gas build-up in shelter areas, and fire spread and structural collapse are described. Fire exposures for the rating of shelter components are described and classified according to their characteristic modes of heat transfer. The sources of these exposures, described as exposures from fire within the shelter building, from fire in individual nearby buildings, from mass fire, and from debris fire, are analyzed and interim data presented on exposure severity. A useful concept for the comparison of fire exposures, based upon their effects on each type of component, is defined.

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The NTRL Order Number for this report is: AD650323
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