Development and Application of a Complete Fire-Spread Model: Volume II (Application Phase, 5D-1101-2538B-01).

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Author(s): Takata, Arthur N., Salzberg, Frederick
Corporate Author(s): IIT Research Institute
Date of Publication: 1968-06
Pages: 67
DoD Task:
Identifier: AD0849732

This study involves the development of a general computer model for calculating the initiation and spread of fire from a nuclear attack on an urban area and its application to the cities of Detroit, Albuquerque and San Jose. Each city is represented by several hundred tracts which are distinguished from one another in terms of the size and composition of the built-up area and the width and length of the firebreaks to the built-up areas in adjacent tracts. Two codes are employed to evaluate the fire damage the first computes the percent of buildings ignited in each of the several categories of built-up area used to represent the city as a function of distance from ground zero the second computes the spread of fire by radiation and firebrands within and between tracts as a function of time. Pictorial illustrations were generated for each of the cities showing the percent of buildings undamaged by fire in each of the tracts at 0, 1, 3, 10 and 28 hours after a 5MT burst. Volume I of the report contains a description of the development of the computer model and the procurement of data while Volumes II, III and IV indicate the fire damage to the cities of Detroit, Albuquerque and San Jose, respectively, from the 5MT burst.

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The NTRL Order Number for this report is: AD849732
A record for this report, and possibly a pdf download of the report, exists at NTRL

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