
550 items

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Physiological Basis For Various Constituents In Survival Rations. Part I. The Effeciency Of Young Men Under Temperature Conditions
Author(s): Sargent, Frederick, II
Corporate Author(s): Dept. Of Physiology, University Of Illinois
Date of Publication: 1954-06
Report number: WADC TR 53-484 Part 1
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Investigation Of Noise Generated By Electrical Slip Rings
Author(s): Forster, George A.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1954-04
Report number: WADC TR 54-125
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Two Display Designs For Presentation Of All Flight Attitudes
Author(s): Arnold, J. W., Schlesinger, H.
Corporate Author(s): Stavid Engineering, Inc.
Date of Publication: 1954-07
Report number: WADC TR 54-316
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Movement Analysis Of The Performance Of A Simple Perceptual-Motor Task Under Various Conditions
Author(s): Ammons, Robert B., Ammons, Carol H.
Corporate Author(s): Louisville University
Date of Publication: 1954-04
Report number: WADC TR 54-36
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Nondestructive Testing Of Metal-To-Metal Structural Adhesive Bonds
Author(s): Kulp, B. A., Greenstreet, M. E., Cahn, J. H.
Corporate Author(s): Battelle Memorial Institute
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-04
Report number: WADC TR 54-88
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Legibility Of Type As a Function Of Stroke width, Letter width, And Letter Spacing Under Low Illumination
Author(s): Crook, Mason N., Hanson, John A., Weisz, Alexander
Corporate Author(s): Institute Of Applied Experimental Psychology, Tufts College
Date of Publication: 1954-03
Report number: WADC TR 53-440
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Frequency Control By Magnetostriction 300 To 2000 Kilocycles
Author(s): Carpantier, Victor J.
Corporate Author(s): Wright Air Development Center
Date of Publication: 1954-03
Report number: WADC TR 54-512
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Organo-metallic And Organo-metalloidal High-temperature Lubricants And Related Materials
Author(s): Gilman, Henry, Ingham, Robert K., Gorsich, Richard G.
Corporate Author(s): Iowa State College
Date of Publication: 1954-04
Report number: WADC TR 53-426 Part 1
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Metallurgical Testing Of Boron Steels
Author(s): Dotson, C. L., Kattus, J. R., O'Brien, F. R.
Corporate Author(s): Southern Research Institute
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-10
Report number: WADC TR 53-439
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An Investigation of Lithium 9/10 Hydroxy-Stearate Greases
Author(s): Markle, Harvey C., Schwenker, Herbert
Corporate Author(s): Wright Air Development Center
Date of Publication: 1954-08
Report number: WADC TR 54-46

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