
35 items

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Photoelastic Study of Stress Wave Propagation in Large Plates
Author(s): Dally, J. W., Durelli, A. J., Riley, F. W.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-11-05
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-748
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A Photoelastic Approach to Transient Stress Problems Employing Low Modulus Materials
Author(s): Dally, J. W., Riley, W. F., Durelli, A. J.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-10
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-891
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Stress Concentration Factors Under Dynamic Loading Conditions
Author(s): Durelli, A. J., Dally, J. W. , Riley, W. F.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: Dec. 1958
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-892
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Developments in the Application of the Grid Method to Dynamic Problems
Author(s): Durelli, A. J., Dally, J. W., Riley, W. F.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-12
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-893
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Properties of Sulfide Semiconductors
Author(s): Buttrey, J. W.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-07
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-596
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Properties of Sulfide Semiconductors
Author(s): Buttrey, J. W.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-07-09
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-644
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Further Studies on the Relative Basicites of Methyl- and Silylamines: Trimethyl-Gallium as the Reference Acid
Author(s): Manasevit, M.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Dept. of Chemistry
Date of Publication: 1958
Report number: AFOSR-TN-58-969
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Polymerization of Vitreous Humor Substrate in Light and Dark Adaptation
Author(s): Shurrager, P. S.
Corporate Author(s): Illinois Inst. of Tech. Physiological Lab.
Date of Publication: 1958-12
Report number: AFOSR-TR-58-161
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Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Radio Interference Reduction and Electronc Compatability
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology
Date of Publication: 1958-10
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Development of Bonding Methods and Materials for Resistance Strain Gages
Author(s): Rechter, H. L.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Date of Publication: 1958-11
Report number: NAVAIRMATCEN-ASL-1050 Part III

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