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Theory of the Thermal Conductivity of Metals, Alloys, and Semiconductors, Part II.
Author(s): Madigan, John R.
Corporate Author(s): Borg-Warner Corporation
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-01
Report number: ASD TDR 62-74 Part 2
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Inorganic Films for Solar Energy Absorption. Part II.
Author(s): Langley, Robert C., Albert, Henry J., Hill, James S.
Corporate Author(s): Engelhard Industries, Inc.
Laboratory: Air Force Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-04
Report number: ASD TDR 62-92 Part 2
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Study of a Sonic Load Recorder, Volume II.
Author(s): Smith, P. W., Jr., Dietrich, C. W., Noiseux, D. U., Starr, E. A.
Corporate Author(s): Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
Laboratory: Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-03
Report number: ASD TDR 62-165 Volume 2
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Ultrasonic Methods in the Study of Fatigue and Deformation in Single Crystals of Aluminum and Sodium Chloride
Author(s): Chick, Bruce, Anderson, George, Findley, William , Elbaum, Charles , Truell, Rohn, Hikata, Akira
Corporate Author(s): Brown University
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-02
Report number: ASD TDR 62-186
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Kinetics of Oxidation of Refractory Metals and Alloys at 1000 Degrees - 2000 Degrees C, Part II.
Author(s): Berkowitz-Mattuck, J. B.
Corporate Author(s): Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-03
Report number: ASD TDR 62-203 Part 2
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Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies for a Refractory Materials Program, Part II.
Author(s): McClaine, L. A.
Corporate Author(s): Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Laboratory: Air Force Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-05
Report number: ASD TDR 62-204 Part 2
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The Role Of The Grain Boundary In The Deformation Of Ceramic Materials, Part II.
Author(s): Murray, G. T., Mountvala, A. J.
Corporate Author(s): Materials Research Corporation
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-03
Report number: ASD TDR 62-225 Part 2
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Applied Research to Establish Infared Detection Methods for Nondestructive Analysis of Metallic and Ceramic Structures
Author(s): Maley, Dale R.
Corporate Author(s): Automation Industries, Incorporated
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-01
Report number: ASD TDR 62-385
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Dislocation Mobility and Pinning in Hard Materials Through Internal Friction Studies
Author(s): Southgate, P. D.
Corporate Author(s): Armour Research Foundation
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-02
Report number: ASD TDR 62-431
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Electrical Conductors at Elevated Temperatures
Author(s): Fuschillo, Nicholas, Lindberg, Russel A.
Corporate Author(s): Melpar, Inc.
Laboratory: Directorate of Materials and Processes
Date of Publication: 1963-01
Report number: ASD TDR 62-481

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