
24 items

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Development Of Low Alloy Ti-B Steels For High Temperature Service Applications
Author(s): Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory
Corporate Author(s): Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1952-04
Report number: WADC TR 52-77
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Joining Of Molybdenum
Author(s): Platte, W. N.
Corporate Author(s): Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-08
Report number: WADC TR 54-17
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Theoretical Investigation Of The Mechanism Of Transfer Of Materials Through Polyethylene
Author(s): Bent, Henry A., Pinsky, Jules
Corporate Author(s): University Of Connecticut And Plax Corporation
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-08
Report number: WADC TR 53-133 Part 2
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An Analysis Of Notched Uniaxial Fatigue Data
Author(s): Dirkes, William E.
Corporate Author(s): Materials Laboratory
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-03
Report number: WADC TR 54-462
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Mechanism of Rain Erosion. Part 2. A Critical Review of Erosion by Water Drop Impact
Author(s): Engel, Olive G.
Corporate Author(s): National Bureau of Standards
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1953-08
Report number: WADC TR 53-192 Part 2
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Evaluation Of Testers For The Deterioration Of Doped-Fabric Surfaces On Aircraft
Author(s): Bain, Bruce K., Slivka, Lawrence P.
Corporate Author(s): Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron, Ohio
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1956-02
Report number: WADC TR 55-322
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Reinvestigation Of The Systems Ti - Al - Cr And Ti - Al - V
Corporate Author(s): New York University
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1958-08
Report number: WADC TR 58-105
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A New Look At The Hydrogen Embrittlement Of Cadium Coated High Strength Steels
Author(s): Geyer, Norman M., Lawless, G. William, Cohen, Bennie
Corporate Author(s): Materials Laboratory
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1958-12
Report number: WADC TR 58-481
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Synthesis Of Thermally Stable Epoxy Resins For Dielectric Applications
Author(s): Kindley, Lee M., Marshall, Richard F., Glekas, Louis P., Ritt, Paul E.
Corporate Author(s): Melpar, Incorporated
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1959-07
Report number: WADC TR 59-190 Part 1
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Study Of Methods For Nondestructive Measurment Of Residual Stress
Author(s): Rollins, Fred R.
Corporate Author(s): Midwest Research Institute
Laboratory: Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1959-12
Report number: WADC TR 59-561

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