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Research Study To Determine The Phase Equilibrium Relations Of Selected Metal Carbides At High Temperatures
Author(s): Sara, R. V., Lowell, C. E., Dolloff, R. T.
Corporate Author(s): Research Laboratory of National Carbon Company Division of Union Carbide Corporation
Laboratory: Air Force Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-10
Report number: WADD TR 60-143 Part V
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Refractory Materials Research
Author(s): Kibler, G. M. , Linevsky, M. J. , DeSantis, V. J. , Lyon, T. F.
Corporate Author(s): General Electric Company
Laboratory: Air Force Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-08
Report number: WADD TR 60-646 Part IV
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Vaporization Of Compounds And Alloys At High Temperatures Part XVII. Thermodynamic Study Of Tin Selenide and Tin Telluride Using A Mass Spectrometer
Author(s): Colin, R., Drowart, J.
Corporate Author(s): Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Laboratory: Air Force Materials Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-09
Report number: WADD TR 60-782 Part XVII
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Summary Report on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Standard Models HB-1 and HB-2
Author(s): Gray, J. Don
Corporate Author(s): ARO, Inc.
Date of Publication: 1964-07
Report number: AEDC TDR 64-137
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Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Argon from 100 to 3000°K
Author(s): Little, Wanda J.
Corporate Author(s): ARO, Inc.
Laboratory: Arnold Engineering Development Center
Date of Publication: 1964-04
Report number: AEDC TDR 64-68
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Equations and Charts for the Evaluation of the Hypersonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of Lifting Configurations by the Newtonian Theory
Author(s): Clark, E. L., Trimmer, L. L.
Corporate Author(s): ARO, Inc.
Laboratory: Arnold Engineering Development Center
Date of Publication: 1964-03
Report number: AEDC TDR 64-25
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Theoretical Base Pressure Analysis of Axisymmetric Ejectors Without Induced Flow
Author(s): Bauer, R. C.
Corporate Author(s): ARO, Inc.
Laboratory: Arnold Engineering Development Center
Date of Publication: 1964-01
Report number: AEDC TDR 64-3
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Six-Degree-of-Freedom Flight-Path Study Generalized Computer Program: Part I. Problem Formulation
Author(s): Brown, Robert C., Brulle, Robert V., Combs, A. E., Griffin, Gerald D.
Corporate Author(s): McDonnell Aircraft Corporation
Laboratory: Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-10
Report number: FDL TDR 64-1 Part 1 Volume 1
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Six-Degree-of-Freedom Flight-Path Study Generalized Computer Program: Part I. Volume II. - Structral Loads Formulation
Author(s): Mann, C. D.
Corporate Author(s): McDonnell Aircraft Corporation
Laboratory: AF Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-08
Report number: FDL TDR 64-1 Part 1 Volume 2
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The Calculation of Nonlinear Supersonice Conical Flows by the Method of Integral Relations
Author(s): Brook, John W.
Corporate Author(s): Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation
Laboratory: AF Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1964-07
Report number: FDL TDR 64-7

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